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The Spring & Summer 2020 Black Lives Matter Protests and Violence

Regarding the May and June 2020 Protests and Violence. Protesting is a American right, but arson, looting and deliberate property damage are serious CRIMES which MUST be punished. Mobs, whether left-wing or right-wing, black or white, gay or straight, etc. should never be able to get away with such crimes. We demand minimum prision terms of 5 years for all arsonists; and 1 year for looters. These numbers are for first-time offenders ONLY. Repeat offenders should be penalized further. There is NO EXCUSE for ARSON or LOOTING. Deliberate property damage, also, must be punished.

Shame on you pitiful mayors and governors who couldn't keep order. Citizens: don't let them be re-elected. Call for their removal from office for abandoning their cities' and their states' most important guarantees to their citizens: freedom and safety.

As for the event that ignited these protests, the killing of Mr. George Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman: That policeman, Derrick Chauvin, should be charged with 1st degree murder, and the three other police officers who were present, Thomas Lane, J Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao, should be charged as accomplices. All four of them should be prohibited from ever again serving in  any public capacity.  Let's not make a hero out of convicted robber and possible user / passer of counterfeit money George Floyd, but let us not let his brutal murder go unpunished. Let us also remember and learn from Mr. Floyd's death. He resisted arrrest, refused to be put in the back of the police vehicule. He became combative physically - that is ALWAYS a bad idea: not only is it against the law to resist arrest, but it is also very dangerous.
