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The BLM movement (a movement with which we are NOT associated at all - since we think it is racist, violent and criminal), accuses white people in the United States, and the entire US society of systemic racism. We'd like to have a discussion on that right here. We are against any form of racism, and indeed, do not even believe that there are separate "races" among human beings. I identify as a man, and a human being, and as an American. I do not identify as "white", because I do not believe that the color of one's skin is a proper classification. I am human - that is my race. I believe that as long as people consider themselves to be anything other than human beings - that is any separate or different "race" - that racism will exist. Perhaps that is the best definition of racism there is - to believe that you, or others, belong to a "race" that is different from the entire human race. 

Scientifically, and yes, we are men and women of science here, although there are genetic differences between people whose ancestors come from Asia, Africa, Ocenea, the Americas, and other geographical areas, these differences are not so great that they constitute separate races. Thus we do not believe that "the Jews" are "the chosen race" - to take an example from a faith-based erronous belief held by some members of some religions - and we do not believe that it is accurate or helpful to classify people according to "race", since there is only one race - the human race.  Modern humans probably constitute a separate human race from the Neaderthals, but as humans go, that's about it.  We believe that science, the scientific method, reason and logic must determine public policy, social policy and government policy including law.

In social policy, public, economic and government policy and law we classify things according to people's ethnic origin. So we thus have Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Native American, Other, etc. We believe that, in addition to the large numbers of "black" (we have never seen a person whose skin color is black, rather different shades of brown mixed with other colors) people, especially "black" males who are being killed by police during encounters with the police, we believe that the BLM movement is also about a general claim that people with darker skin colors (so, "black", "African American", perhaps other classifications like "Hispanic", etc) are less well-off than caucasian people. In other words, that people of color have less money, fewer assets, and less wealth than caucasians. This is a discussion that we need to have.

And we need to remember that freedom of speech in the United States is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and by state constitutions; regardless of the fact that corrupt politicians and judges have made and upheld laws censoring speech and even criminalizing speech. (We say put the corrupt politicians and judges who support censorship and the criminalization of speech in jail after kicking them out of office.

Remember what we all learned as children in America - or should have if we had parents doing their job of raising their children properly - "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words (or "names" in some versions) can never hurt me." This is what parents should tell their children if they are being called names at school.

To have a robust and healthy democracy, absolute freedom of speech is absolutely necessary. It is corruption - and nothing else except illegal - to censor and to criminalize speech.)  Thus it is wrong, unethical, immoral, and illegal to fire people whose ideas or beliefes you don't agree with, as it is to cause them to be fired. We are seeing more and more of this - people who don't agree that there is systemic racism in the United States being fired for expressing their points of view. These firings are illegal and must be stopped. 

