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The NYC Central Park Cooper Incident

On May 25, 2020, the same day that an unarmed African-American man named George Floyd died in police custody (or perhaps more accurately was killed by a white police officer who allowed him to die of asphyxiation while ignoring his pleas that he couldn't breathe), triggering national and global anti-racism protests - an incident happened in Central Park of New York City that we need to discuss and understand as a nation.


What started out as a simple problem between a woman who let her dog off leash in a leash only area of Central Park has become a nation symbol of racism, and a crime which the New York district attorney is prosecuting. We salute the city and state of new York for prosecuting a false claim of criminal behavior by Amy Cooper, a white woman, against Christian Cooper, a black man, who was bird-watching in that area of Central Park. False accusations of criminal behavior amount to malicious prosecutions, abuses of process and are often diffamatory - they must always be prosecuted, and sadly they rarely are. Although "racism" may be part of what happened on that day in Central Park, it is clear that much more was going on in that incident, and this needs to be understood and adressed by the nation as a whole, so that we can have the best society possible with the maximum amount of freedom possible for individuals. This means freedom from being falsely accused of a crime as well as freedom of speech, belief, and thought. How very interesting it is that both the "white" woman and the "black" man share the same family name, "Cooper". Perhaps that coincidence, since they are nto related, shows us that all people are from the same human family, and that we are in fact all related in some way to each other, and that there is only one "race", the human race.


What happened that day? 

Christian Cooper, who is a black New York bird watcher, filmed his encounter with Ms Cooper, 41, white, after he asked her to put her dog on a leash to keep it from scaring away birds. 

In response, Ms Cooper called emergency services. She told them: "I'm in the Ramble," - a wooded area in Central Park - "there is a man, African American, he has a bicycle helmet and he is recording me and threatening me and my dog," as her tone rose in apparent distress. "I am being threatened by a man in the Ramble, please send the cops immediately!" she said. 

Ms Cooper's actions were widely condemned as racist. She was fired by the investment firm where she managed an insurance portfolio. The pet adoption agency that gave her the dog seen in the video took it back after criticism that the way she held its collar seemed to strangle it. 

Let's look at this carefully.  Although we don't have the entire incident on video, it is clear that no real threat was made by Mr. Cooper, and 911 should never have been called. Rather than this being an overt case of racism, we believe that it is an overt case of something even more prevalent in U.S. society - women using the police, the courts and the judicial system and public opinion - to get what they want regardless of the circumstances and, worse, regardless of the effects on others. Women are constantly falsely accusing men of wrongdoing, knowing that they won't be caught in their lies, that they won't be prosecuted for a "little white lie", that their lies won't be proven in court, that other women and many men, including judges, police, juries, etc. are all sympathetic to women (they feel that they need to "protect" women) and that women will be believed over man - every time. Women learn to lie at a very early age in modern western society (and almost certainly elsewhere) to get what they want, whether it's a free dinner or drink, custody of the children or possession of the family home in a separation or divorce, etc.  Women believe that it is their "right" or "privilege" to lie if they think it necessary to "protect" themselves from any harm, including embarrasement, shame, accusations of wrongdoing, etc.  This must be stopped. The systemic prejudice FOR woman and AGAINST men in any kind of conflict between them MUST be ended.


Additionally, Ms; Cooper should neither have lost her job, nor her dog! It is illegal to fire someone for their beliefs, and it is also immoral, unethical and un-American. It is simply wrong and cannot be allowed. We as people cannot "play God" and decide that soem beliefs and some actions are horribel. We cannot read the minds of people, nor can we truly understand with reasonable surety what motivates people to act. People need their jobs to survive, and we should not have a litmus test of "political correctness" as a criteria for employment. Surely Ms. Cooper will get her job back or force the illegal hateful firm which fired her to pay her damages over their illegal and unethical actions. We MUST allow absolute freedom of speech and belief and thought to exist - it's the only way a democracy can function. Likewise the adoption agency which "repossessed" her dog had no right to do so either. People of all beliefs and opinions are allowed to be pet owners as well they should be there are too many homeless animals who need a home. We chastize both the firm Ms. Cooper worked for as well as the pet adoption agency she rescued her dog from for their wrongdoing and unethical, illegal actions as their hurtful and hateful way of being "politically correct" - a disgusting and dangerous un-American ideology which censors and criminalizes constitutionally protected behavior. After Ms. Cooper gets out of jail (we assume she will have to do 6 months in jail for a 1 year sentence - the normal case in overcrowded jail systems), we hope that she gets both her job and her dog back, if she wants them. We also hope that she, and millions of other women stop lying. Lies wrongly accusing others (especially men) of criminal behavior (so called threats, etc) are horrible, and amount to malicious prosecutions, abuses of process, diffamation and intention infliction of distress, and other illegal torts. They should not and MUST NOT be tolerated. 

"Today our office initiated a prosecution of Amy Cooper for falsely reporting an incident in the third degree," said Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance on Monday, July 6. "We are strongly committed to holding perpetrators of this conduct accountable," Mr Vance said. He also encouraged "anyone who has been the target of false reporting" to contact the district attorney's office. Ms. Cooper is due to appear before a judge on 14 October.  We urge that no-one be allowed to be "above" this law, including politicians, judges, police officers, lawyers, the rich, and "special" groups of people to whom the government gives "special" right to, including celebrities. We are supposed to have "equal rights under the law" yet these groups of people quite often get away with character murder and false accusations.
