Know Your Rights Unalienable Rights For All .Men    Fight Censorship at Censorship.Science    Science & Reason in Government: We Must Use Our Reason To Survive .Faith!

Black Lives Matter .BLACK is NOT affiliated with the BLM movement.

Black Lives Matter .BLACK is NOT AFFILIATED in any way with the Black Lives Matter movement - which is a violent, radical group run by black lesbians and queers - people with so many "chips" on their shoulders that they see evil and racism everywhere. Those strange people don't represent America, and they don't represent black people or black americans either. They think the world is against them because of the color of their skin, and their gender, because of their sexual choices, etc. They believe in special rights for women, minorities, gays, lesbians, queers, etc. and we know that the U.S. Constitution and every State Constitution prohibit special rights for specific groups. All individuals must have exactly the same legal rights. Reforming the corrupt legal system that gives certain groups of people special rights, that protects police who murder, that allows lawyers to skim 15 to 20 % off the top of the US economy, that is a for-profit big money business rather than the not-for-profit system of justice that it was intended to be is the key to reforming racism and other problems in society. Vote for the LRA (the Legal Reform Amendment).
