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Should Police be made to wear always-on streaming body-cameras that record everything they do?

Yes, of course! Then we would have real evidence of both police wrongdoing and of crimes.
100% (2 votes)
NO, definately not! People's privacy would be violated.
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 2

Should people be held legally responsible for non-violent speech or minor behavioral problems when under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

No! The right to free speech and to behave differently than others is guaranteed by the Constitution.
100% (3 votes)
Yes! Insulting speech and hate speech, even when used by a person under the influence is criminal and should be punished!
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 3

Should police be allowed to shoot bullets at a suspect who is NOT armed, yet runs away from them when stopped?

No! "Running away" should not get a person killed.
0% (0 votes)
Yes! "Running away" is a sign of guilt, and the guilty must be punished!
0% (0 votes)
Sometimes - Yes for wanted murderers, kidnappers and rapists, etc. but No for non-violent or lesser crimes.
100% (2 votes)
Total votes: 2

What should happen to Police who shoot dead an unarmed person?

They should go to jail just like anyone else who commits murder.
100% (2 votes)
They should get the benefit of the doubt and be protected. After all - they are there to protect us!
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 2

Are you in favor of the Police carrying a tranquilizer pistol as well as a handgun, and using the tranquilizer pistol to subdue suspects rather than shooting them dead?

No! Police can't treat humans like animals, and who knows what might happen to suspects while they are "out".
25% (1 vote)
Yes, of course, better alive than dead. Same as game wardens use to tranquilize wild beasts in the jungle.
75% (3 votes)
Total votes: 4

What should Police do when a person stopped for a traffic violation refuses to cooperate and runs away from them?

Call for reinforcements and try to follow the person - never taking their gun out of its holster. Non-lethal force only!
100% (3 votes)
Shoot that obviously guilty criminal down - pump all 14 or 15 bullets into that a-hole!
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 3