Know Your Rights Unalienable Rights For All .Men    Fight Censorship at Censorship.Science    Science & Reason in Government: We Must Use Our Reason To Survive .Faith!

How to Use this Site

To use this site, please join for free with a valid email address. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your request to join the site. Just click on the link in the email and you will be redirected to your user page, where you can set your password to login, describe who you are - or not - and upload a photo, if you wish.

Once you are a member, you can participate in the polls and write comments to anything you read or see on the site. You can also subscribe to our newsletter, and you can email friends specific pages you wish them to see. You can participate in any of the forums, and can even start your own forum topics that other users can respond to.  You can have your own blog, you can upload video, photos and audio files to share with others. You can contact other members privately via private messaging and via their personal contact form. Each member receives their own member area and a personal contact form.  You can create a book and post in other members' books. Join us to reform a corrupt judiciary and police, and to help define reduced police powers. Join the discussion and help solve the problem. We do not censor on this site, but we ask that all bloggers, and all who post on this site use proper language and do not use curse words or "4-letter words", please.

We do not censor here, and believe in the US and State Constitutions and all of our constitutionally given right to complete freedom of speech. We cannot be held liable for what users post here. Each user is liable for what they post, and we support all of our users to say what they want and what they believe. Every American learns when they are young (or should, if they have decent parents):

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me."  Mere words can never hurt anyone, that is one reason why speech should never be criminalized. Let us all be adult, and not try to censor reality - which is different for every human being on the planet; rather, let us learn from what others say and believe, and have an adult discussion about how to solve the problems in our world, society and country. 

When you use this site you agree to this non-censorship. 

Disclosure: We are not affiliated with the radical lesbian Black Lives Matter movement at all.
